value. quality care. convenience.
Household Chemicals that we can test for:
CI 8 Chlorine Bleach/ Bleach
Bleach, antiseptics, disinfectants, tap water, swimming pool water, mold inhibitors, bleached papers.
CI 10 Creosote- Wood preservative, cough mixtures.
CI 14 Formaldehyde/ Formalin
Cavity wall insulation, printing ink, textile and fabric finishes (minimum iron etc.), chipboard, adhesives, photographic chemicals, preservatives in cosmetics and toiletries, treatments for warts and verrucae, throat lozenges, cleaning products, artificial silk, slow-release fertilisers, vaccines.
CI 19 Latex
Protective gloves, contraceptives (condoms, diaphragm and cap), hot water bottles, baby bottle teats, shoes, mattresses, pillows, balloons, rubber bands, elastic and finger stalls.
CI 20 Lycra
Fabrics, elastic, sewing thread.
CI 22 Mixed Nylon
Clothing, tights and stockings, carpets and furnishings.
CI 29 Phenol/ carbolic acid
Fungicides, disinfectants, wood preservatives, synthetic fibres, vaccinations, floor leveling resins.
CI 30 Polyurethane
Paint, foamed plastics for insulation, cushions and upholstery, varnish.
CI 32 Polyvinyl chloride / PVC
Third most common plastic. Typical uses include raincoats, car/automobile interiors, furnishings (as mock leather), food wrappings (becoming less common), plastic bottles for drinks and personal care products, coatings for paper, shoe soles, plastic pipes and building materials. In hospitals also used for catheters, blood bags and tubing.
CI 38 Colophony
A pine resin found in paper, cosmetics, varnishes, paint, polishes, fly papers, adhesive tapes, epilating waxes, solder flux, etc.