value. quality care. convenience.

Skin Exam/Mole Check
Any adult who’s never had a skin exam should consider scheduling one to establish a baseline, and to discuss how often one is necessary,
Annual skin exams (or twice yearly) may be recommended for anyone who has:
A history of melanoma, other skin cancers or precancerous skin lesions
A family member with melanoma
A large number of moles or a history of atypical moles
A history of tanning
A history of blistering sun burns
A history of frequent outdoor activities such as golfing
A history of working outdoors such as agriculture or roofing
Had an organ transplant
Warning signs that a mole may be cancerous or precancerous include:

Any mole that has iregular features should be evaluated by:
A biopsy
GenTech (a biopsy-free alternative using tape testing and DNA analysis)