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We are here for all of your dermatology and skin needs

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If you have moderate or severe acne, Accutane may be the best option for you. Accutane (the generic name is Isotretinoin), is a potent derivative of Vitamin A. Known as the pill that “revolutionized the treatment of acne”, Accutane is able to tackle some of the most complex cases.

How does Accutane work?

Accutane is a pill taken daily for 4 to 6 months.

It works by decreasing facial oil production. 

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The only way to obtain Accutane in the United States is through the iPledge Program.

iPledge is a government-regulated program with very specific instructions.

Dr Kidwell is iPledge certified to help you obtain Accutane.  Call us today to start!

Side effects

The most common side effects of Accutane include:

  • Dry mouth/lips

  • Dry skin

  • Nosebleeds

  • Muscle or joint pain

  • Mood changes

Clovis Dermatology

275 W. Herndon Ave.
Clovis, CA 93612
Call us today
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Located in Clovis
We are on the northwest corner of Herndon and Villa, next to the Peachwood Urgent Care
2 blocks west of the 168 freeway
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